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2 months ago

한국어 AI자막 검수하실 분 급구합니다.

한국어 AI자막 검수하실 분 급구합니다.

한국어 능통하시고, 약간의 컴퓨터하실 줄 아시면 가능합니다.

한국어 음성녹음을 AI가 자동자막 생성해 놓은 것을

음성파일과 비교하여 틀린곳을 수정하는 일입니다.


신청방법: Rachel kakaotalk ID: dontcallme


Here are the project details: 


Project Background: 1500 hours of audio have been transcribed; we need you to complete the processes – annotation and QA


– Language: The language of audio is Korean


– Work content: annotation and QA (for two different Korean linguists)


– Volume: 150 hours of audio in total for this batch 


– Tool: client’s internal online platform – simple to operate


– Budget: $23 per audio hour, including QA. 


The project is not time-consuming because you know the basic Korean grammar and punctuation rules. 


If you could give us a hand, it would be beneficial. Also, you can share the project with your network, as we still need many members. I appreciate your interest.

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